Beer, Steam & Toasted Teacakes -the beginning

On my 66th birthday – and with assistance from the boys setting it up – this is my first blog. So why the title? I have a passion for real ale, a love of steam in its many forms and am partial to the occasional toasted teacake.  

BEER I have been a member of CAMRA for many years and have recently become an active member of the South Devon Branch. So my blog will include reviews of beers and breweries and of course pubs.

STEAM My main interest is in steam railways – started when they were the real thing in my teenage years. Now I am an active member of the South Devon Railway which I shall mention from time to time, and also a member of the Welsh Highland Railway Society. But I also like traction engines, stationery steam engines and industrial steam such as mills.

TOASTED TEACAKES What is there not to like about them – plenty of butter which I probably should’t eat and a pot of tea. A test of a good cafe.

2 thoughts on “Beer, Steam & Toasted Teacakes -the beginning

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